Dripping, Juicy, Chicago-Style Italian Beef

Dinner Lunch & Salads Recipes

Italan Beef! Dripping, Juicy, Chicago-Style Italian Beef!!

Italian Beef ingredients

Need another recipe to wow your meat-eating friends? Oh, I got you! Get ready for dripping, savory, juicy, Chicago-Style Italian Beef.

Why have Italian Beef when you can have Vegan Italian Beef? Exactly.

Low fat, good source of fiber and super high in protein, you won’t miss all the grossness of meat. You will, however, reap all the benefits of delicious vegan goodness through this tasty blend of spices.


Proven to Please! Let me know what you and your family think of my plantbased Italian Beef and how you pulled another fast one on the meat lovers in your life. They won’t even know the difference – except they will feel a whole heck of a lot better. (And secretly thank you for it!) Salute!

Italian Beef Loaf

Servings: 8
Protein per serving: 26g, and a good source of fiber from nutritional yeast.

Giardiniera :
Slice 2 carrots, 2 celery sticks and 1 Jalapenos
Place in jar filled with white vinegar
Put in refrigerator for 2 days.
Optional: Soak in oil after 48 hours, several hours before serving.

Onions: Slice 3 cloves of garlic and ½ a white onion. In a pan drizzled with olive oil or mushroom broth, caramelize white onions and garlic over a medium heat. Add to juice when ready.

plantbased Italian Beef Slices

1.5 cups vegetable or mushroom broth
2 Tbsp soy sauce
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp sweet or Spanish paprika (for spicier)
Salt/pepper to taste
1 t p oregano
1 tsp onion salt
Added onions and garlic from above
Simmer on low

Italian Beef:
2 cups of Vital Wheat Gluten
1 cup on Nutritional Yeast
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp sweet or Spanish paprika (for spicier)
Salt/pepper to taste
1 t p oregano
1 tsp onion salt

In a separate bowl:
1.5 cups vegetable or mushroom broth
2 Tbsp soy sauce
1 Tbsp tomato Paste
2-3 slice garlic cloves.

Combine the two bowls, mixing until thoroughly mixed. Take out and knead on flat service. Let rest for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, line a bread pan with parchment paper. When ready, put the mixture into parchment paper and press down until even. Put in preheated over to 325 and bake for 90 minutes.

Sandwich: When done baking and cooled, slice Italian beef thinly, enough for the sandwiches you need and simmer slices in juice until hot.. In a heated vegan roll, place dripping, heated Italian Beef slices in roll and smother in giardiniera. Keep extra juice on the side for dipping. Refrigerate or freeze extra Italian Beef load and juice.

For more yummy, healthy, plant-based recipes, click here.

And tune in to the The Elysabeth Alfano Show for tips for the nation’s best plant-based doctors on the segment The Doctor is Dialed Im! The Elysabeth Alfano Show airs every Sunday 4p ET live on the WCGO-Chicago, WCGORadio.com, The Smart Talk Radio Network, The JaneUnChained News Network and Alexa. To hear more of The Elysabeth Alfano Show, click here. And please help us make the first and only syndicated plant-based radio show in the nation a huge success! Tell YOUR local station to pick up The Elysabeth Alfano, available across the nation through the Smart Talk Radio Network or by contacting Elysabeth at Elysabeth@ElysabethAlfano.com.

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