Dr. Scott Stoll

Awesome Vegans Influencer Series

Covid resurge got you going crazy?  Election uncertainty stressing your out?   Dr. Scott Stoll, the founder of The Plantrician Project, is on the Awesome Vegans Influencer Series to discuss how to stay healthy in times of stress and the best way to mitigate any long-term effects from Covid.   This is critical info you won’t want to miss!

3:30 Dr. Scott Stoll is a sports doctor and the founder of the Plantrician Project. The Plantrician Project is a non-profit that helps educate and empower clinicians to utilize plant based nutrition to be used as an intervention to help prevent lifestyle diseases. Unfortunately, doctors only receive fourteen to nineteen hours of nutritional education and a lot of it is not about how nutrition can be used to reverse diseases. Doctors come out of medical school not understanding much at all about nutrition. Some doctors and health practitioners are learning about more ways to help their patients such as plant based nutrition and they are implementing it into their jobs when they see their patients. Dr. Stoll says “The Plantrician Project is helping a lot and the movement is really growing.” Their message is to help set people free from medication so they can live their best life. Plant based nutrition will help reset the locus of control over your health. The Plantrician Project is not against medication and they understand that some medications are absolutely needed but also that some medication can be avoided by taking control of your nutrition and diet. It’s important to understand that food can be its own medicine.
Dr. Scott Stoll, Awesome Vegans
12:00 Dr. Scott Stoll explains how the coronavirus causes a lot of injuries to the lining of the blood vessels. We’re seeing in post-Covid syndrome people are having many complications that lead to chronic problems. Dr. Stoll says that research has found that through plant based diets and lifestyle medicine people with long-term Covid effects can begin to heal those problems in the blood vessels. At this point in time the only cure to the long-term Covid effects is a plant based diet. Depending on genetics some people may be able to have an 80% plant based diet and still be able to heal themselves very well after having the coronavirus. Others may need to be closer to 100%. Dr. Stoll says that he encourages people to work toward a 100% whole plant based diet in order to maximize their health and wellness in addition to lots of sleep, low stress, and thirty minutes of exercise each day.
Dr. Scott Stoll, Awesome Vegans
20:30 Coronavirus can take an incredible toll on some people’s bodies, so Dr. Scott Stoll says that it will be difficult for some to recover without including lifestyle medicine like a plant based diet and plenty of exercise. Dr. Stoll describes stress like a wild card. “You can eat well, you can exercise and sleep well, but if you allow stress to creep into your life and stay there it will begin underlying your healthy food habits, it will interrupt your sleep, it will steal time away from exercise, and it will erode the very foundation of your health over time.” Stress can change your cravings for foods and makes you crave different foods and calorie dense foods high in sugar and fat. Dr. Stoll encourages people to communicate with friends and use their support to help mitigate stress. Another thing to combat stress is to control your environment and set it up for success. Set yourself up for success by making the good things like healthy snacks and water visible. Instead of candy, add in fruits you really enjoy when you are craving something sweet.
Dr. Scott Stoll, Awesome Vegans
32:00 Dr. Scott Stoll says plant based processed foods are okay in small amounts. Those foods can be calorie dense and you have to be aware of what’s inside of them. In the ingredient list look for ingredients you cannot pronounce as well as lots of oils and sodium. Not everything in a package is bad for you, but you have to read the label to find out. Dr. Stoll shares some tips on how to stay healthy and on track during the holidays. Having community and supportive friends to be there for you during cravings and challenges is very helpful. Give yourself grace in the midst of the holidays. Don’t guilt or shame yourself for having a few bites of pie for example. Set yourself up for success at home and don’t leave sweets out in plain sight. Instead, fill your house with wonderful delicious healthy options that you love. Dr. Stoll says alcohol is never a healthy beverage and is okay in moderation for the holidays but encourages people not to keep it at home. “Even in the holiday season I want to encourage as many of you to look for as many opportunities you can to speak life to people. Our words are like seeds and when we plant those in people we can harvest joy in their lives.”

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