Dan Buettner, Founder of Blue Zones, and Chef Leslie Durso of the Four Seasons Santa Barbara

Awesome Vegans Influencer Series

Can we age backwards? I say we can! That’s what I am doing anyway!
Dan Buettner and Elysabeth Alfano

What food will add four years to your life? What are the top five foods everyone should eat? What do all recipes for longevity have in common? From the Four Seasons-Santa Barbara, Blue Zones Founder and author of The Blue Zones Kitchen, Dan Buettner sits down with Elysabeth Alfano on her eponymous radio show, the only plant-based radio show in the nation, to dish on how Americans are forgoing 10-14 years of healthy longevity and how to fix this.

Leslie Durso Vegan Hamburger
Plus, Chef Leslie Durso joins the conversation and brings them loads of delicious dishes to enjoy that are all plant-based and designed for #AgingBackwards…except that vegan Chocolate Cake with Chocolate and Cream Cheese Frosting!

Here is a quick snippet for Dan’s recommendations for the TOP FIVE FOODS that everyone should eat.

See http://Bluezones.com and https://www.fourseasons.com/santabarbara/ for more info.

Elysabeth Alfano, leslie durso and Dan Buettner


Dan Buettner

According to Dan, Leslie’s burger above is the best plant-based burger he has ever tasted! However, according to Elysabeth, Leslie’s Lasagna, is the best plant-based Lasagna she has ever tasted. If you get to try either of these dishes in the dining room of the stunning Four Seasons-Santa Barbara, that might even taste that much better! Plant-based life is undeniably delicious!

Vegan Lasagna

The Elysabeth Alfano Show The Elysabeth Alfano Show airs every Sunday 4p ET live on the WCGO-Chicago, WCGORadio.com, The Smart Talk Radio Network, The JaneUnChained News Network, Vegan Magazine and Alexa. To hear more of The Elysabeth Alfano Show, click here. And please help us make the first and only syndicated plant-based radio show in the nation a huge success! Tell YOUR local station to pick up The Elysabeth Alfano, available across the nation through the Smart Talk Radio Network or by contacting Elysabeth at Elysabeth@ElysabethAlfano.com.

Dan Buettner and Elysabeth Alfano
SUBSCRIBE to The Elysabeth Alfano Show on iTunes and to my Youtube Channel, Elysabeth Alfano. Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter so you never miss a Facebook Live interview session or live cooking demos. Plus, don’t forget to stay in touch on Instagram and Twitter.

Thank you, also, to VegFund for supporting this podcast! In addition to my weekly Sunday radio show (4p ET on WCGO) you can catch me live on WGN Radio, WCPT Radio, WLS Radio and periodically on WGN-TV, WCIU-TV, iHeart Radio, Good Morning LALALand, Bagels Over Broadway, Splash Magazine Worldwide and NPR’s KCRW as a plant-based expert.

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